Quiz: 2nd degree equations

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Icon Variable
Set n to 1
Icon Quiz
Init quiz Solve the equation: (with x_1 <= x_2)
Icon Structure
While n <= 5
Icon Variable
Set a to random(20) - 10
Icon Variable
Set b to random(20) - 10
Icon Structure
If a <= b
Icon Variable
Set x_1 to a
Icon Variable
Set x_2 to b
Icon Structure
Icon Variable
Set x_2 to a
Icon Variable
Set x_1 to b
Icon Structure
Icon Variable
Set f to (x - x_1)(x - x_2)
Icon Quiz
Add text "n") "f" = 0
Icon Quiz
Add input x_1 with x_1 as correct answer
Icon Quiz
Add input x_2 with x_2 as correct answer
Icon Variable
Set n to n + 1
Icon Structure
Icon Quiz
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